Suggested Reading
I find myself recommending these books over and over to clients, family and friends. This page will always be growing and changing, but right now these are the resources that I think can help with a lot of our current health problems.
All books here link to Booktopia, but please use whichever bookseller you prefer.
Trauma and Stress
We are all learning more about small 't' and big 'T' trauma, whether or not you think those words apply to your own experience, The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, gives insight and understanding into how our body processes our life experiences and what we can do to release them from the body (spoiler alert, yoga is one way).
Drum-roll please . . . this book is for everyone, but especially for people who identify as having stress and anxiety, as being a people-pleaser, who are prone to irritability, constantly feel taken advantage of or seem to always be having communication issues, chances are - you need to practice healthy boundaries.
As Melissa Urban so accurately writes, "clear is kind, unclear is unkind." Learn how to be more clear with this book, scripts included!
I usually work with clients to re-train how they breath. Breathing is something we take for granted and how we breath is closely tied to how we feel, our experience of anxiety and our general health. This book is great as an intro into the breath. It's an easy read and will have you taping your mouth by the end of it
without hesitation.